Gym Chronicles # 1

Can you believe I am back already???

Yeah. Within maybe half an hour.


The story goes like this.

I spent 15 minutes to gather stuff.

Gym clothing comprised of whatever looked comfy.

Water bottle..check!

Disinfectant wipes..check!


A hair band to stop my hair from pocking my eyes..check

A bag with the rest of the stuff..check

I felt like I am going for a picnic.

Traveled the distance to elevator successfully and it hit me, I forgot headphones. How am I going to avoid people?? So went back got headphones and made my way to the gymnasium in my building.

Now I asked somebody from the staff who was roaming outside about the exact location and ladies timings…big mistake!!!

I finally stepped in bursting with hope of looking like a super model soon.

I was alone and only thing I can operate comfortably was a treadmill. We had it at home. So I straight headed to that.

And I couldn’t see the punching bag that lured me to move in here..

I am complaining about that!!


I got comfortable on one of the machines and it was easy. Played music on shuffle. And started treading really slow.

Didn’t want to get muscle spasm on the very first day.

Now I am treading..smiling ear to ear literally. Music blaring in my ears.

Blind to my surroundings.

So happy I am finally doing something for my health.

It would have been hardly 5 minutes when I saw somebody step on the treadmill next to me..a guy.

What the fuck!

This was supposed to be a time slot for women only.

I stopped the music and asked “is it men’s gym?”

Wrong question. I know. but thats what I said. I was confused.

He said “i guess. But its ok” with a smile.

NO!. Its okay for you as you look fine. I look hideous and my t-shirt says “lets get cozy”. I was wearing 2 more layers on it. I don’t wear it somewhere else I actually sleep in it.

So embarrassing.

Please shoot me.

I stopped the machine. Picked all my stuff as if I am getting late for somewhere and dashed out…to the reception!

How dare a man get there when its not his time slot.

Guess what, I was wrong. Because I was told wrong. It was mens’ timing. And it was written on the door of the gym.

The admin guy was trying hard not to laugh..well I gave him something to laugh at. We all need one.


I am determined. Will go again ON THE RIGHT TIMINGS.

Where did the punching bag go??

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

79 thoughts on “Gym Chronicles # 1

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    1. Its Dubai. We have segregation for almost everything. Along with the “both” option.
      I went again. This time at ladies timings. And still there was a man and when i said “sir this is women’s time slot” he said “i am going to the sauna”
      Now sauna is the part of gym. This will take a few days i guess. I am guessing women are not using it much and i m new to building. Lets see..

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Okay I won’t lie darling but this was funny 😀
    But I can understand the embarrassment, gosh if I were you, I’d be so apologetic and the blush won’t go, pfft would’ve become my new nightmare…


    1. Dude. Looks like nobody cares about timing coz i went again on ladies slot and there was a man again.

      Well. It will take a few days for them to memorise my face i think women are not using it much.
      Sweetheart i would have felt the same way few months back. But i went back after 1 and half hour.
      They will forget it in a few days why should i spoil my motivation.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thats horrible. When we are going to gym chances are high we are not in a good shape what is there to judge. Honestly thats why i find women’s conversation less bearable than men’s.
      We should be supporting each.
      I would say go work out and ignore them. I will go at women’s time slot and avoid the rest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, we should just have to worry about ourselves. There are enough things to worry about in this world. I finally started my latin dancersize at home on Monday night. I dont have to worry about anyone. Anyways, have fun inyour venture!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Both the times i didnt stoped the treadmill.
        Second time i just threw my jacket on and continued. I like to conceal contours of my body and i was just uncomfortable working out at co gym. Otherwise i would have gone at co time slot.
        I will be more careful and mentally prepared but i won’t stop.
        And yes there is so much to worry about already.

        And all the best to you too 🙂

        And headphones are life savers.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. 😀😀😀Awww… so embarrassing. But it’s alright. It’s one of those days. And don’t worry about your size. That was my first worry but I kind of relaxed as people who were more sizeable than me was there as well. Praise God! 😀😀Like you I’ve got to have my earphones. Then I look for equipment that are not in the usual traffic flow, hence I notice less people. Haha. It does great for concentration. But don’t limit yourself to the treadmill, explore. That’s what I do, my inquisitive mind wouldn’t rest till I’ve used every equipment in the gym 😀😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the ultimate gym survival guidelines.
      I plan to try other equipment to once i get in the flow. It was the first day.
      I am not worried about my size thats what people come to gym for. So really i dont care that much.

      Thanks alot. I will remember your suggestions 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Running is awesome. Running jogging cycling anything sporty that are the best way. If i could i definitely would have preferred them over machines.
        You can help poseurs honestly you cant completely avoid them. So i was mentally prepared to bump into few.
        I remeber your health issue. Its surprising you are thanking God over that i might have used it as an excuse.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I had to train for years when I played rugby at top level, always hated it, I only ever wanted to play the game. I played until I was 45, but the ailments I have are mostly down to the game. Spondalytis and stenosis are partly genetic, partly wear and tear. My crushed vertebrae in my neck is wholly down to rugby as is my split medial ligament in my right knee. So the only blessing I can take from all this is I don’t have to train anymore. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

      3. This whole comment felt like a horror story until i reached the last line..😆
        You are extremely optimistic. When i fell ill i just abandoned myself and my life. I was only focusing on treatment untill this blog happened and i realised there alot more that i have been blinded to.
        I am kinda proud of you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my, that caused a pre-gym chuckle for me. I like my gym…most people who go there are older and fatter than me so that’s a plus (I go in an off-peak time though). They’re also quite friendly. I look chubby and revolting in my gym gear and I do care but I also don’t. Good luck…hope you stick at it 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahahahah if you saw me and that guy you would have though ‘how havent inferiority complex killed her by now?’

      I dont know i will go ob different time tomorow.
      I was wearing a baggy t-shirt you could totally pass me as i guy in that. But still i wasnt expecting this.

      Thanks for wishing me luck. I need that alot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahaha. I am good. I went there after 1 hours worked out. And even though i went in women’s time slot a man was there.
        It will settle.
        Yup everybody is struggling with something. I doubt when people tell me they arent.


  4. You are braver than I! I’ve been doing T25 at home, along with 30 minutes on a stationary bike. I would hate for anyone to see how off balance and ridiculous I look. Keep it up- I’ve noticed a drop in my anxiety, over the past month of daily exercise.


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