Humorous Misery & Gym Chronicles # 9

Misery and humor goes hand in hand.

Suddenly something is thrown at us out of nowhere..something terrible and when its over and we look back somewhere we find it funny..let’s say aftershocks are mildly humorous.

Yesterday my phone was blaring and beeping all the time. Once I was told that it may not be a tumor I told my siblings and it was like an explosion.

I was getting calls from nurses, friends, siblings, was insane.

Actually most of the calls were the ones those were in my missed call (from cousins) and I only got time to talk yesterday once I was relieved.

Funniest call was from Zazu (my childhood bff). He is my evil kermit normally but yesterday he was so apologetic. He was saying sorry again and again for remembering every time he was rude. I didn’t know why he was doing it he never does that. Then I said, “don’t tell me you think I am dying I am not going that easily”

Well. Too many calls from hospitals and people outside hospitals. I got so exhausted.

Then I woke up today and saw 2 missed calls from unsaved number. I hadn’t opened my eyes properly but I called back and asked, “which hospital is this??”

And I got the reply, “Ma’am this is not hospital it’s the grocery store you ordered grocery from” imagine my mental state.

I ordered late night and their delivery time was over so I got it today.

Again only half of the things I ordered..i think I will finally have to go out and go to a physical proper grocery store to get things.


After a long break I went to gym again.

I finally know how to do reverse sit ups on inclined bench (picture below) that I had been calling crunched previously.


And that’s not me…I wish…

And there was a thing I tried today for the first time. It had a handle kinda thing you have to pull and it’s got some sort of vertical weights attached to it…google is laughing at my Vague attempts to look for it.

I tried that too..maybe later I will know what it does.

My treadmill was in electrocution mode again.

There is a 3 year old who comes to gym with his mom and he uses treadmill better than me. I don’t know how he does that but this kid is so perfect!


That’s life guys. It a very random crazy tapestry. You cannot avoid a color or pattern. Everything is too knitted together..

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved


34 thoughts on “Humorous Misery & Gym Chronicles # 9

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  1. Good read indeed!!! Wish you that you get all your remaining groceries delivered soon 🙂
    Yes, the pain of yesterday becomes a reason to smile today in some cases!!! This is what I was trying to explain to my daughter when she was upset with her classmates in school, silly reasons for me but for her they were so big!

    Thanks you dear!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had a near miss on the treadmill just yesterday. Talking to a friend, and boom! Embarrassment popped me back up so fast both my friend and I weren’t sure it happened.

    Happy reverse sitting up. You know this is social media where people enhance their identities to fluff up their image. You could say that is you.

    Never mind. I didn’t say that. I like your declaration. We are all knitted together. Honesty will propel us to new treadmill heights. Cheers —

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That thing with handles was “seated rowing machine” 😆

      Yea treadmil is evil!! It’s always embarrasing us..

      I could never do that people here have a very different image of mine.

      Yea. Life is a package you can’t really avoid anything from it.

      Ahhaa yea i have made progress i only knew treadmill 3 months back and now i can use 4 equipments thats a huge success for permanently exhausted pigeon like me.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂


      1. Neurosurgeon told me if benign tumors are removed they don’t grow back.
        In my case they cant remove completely it around my optic nerve so they will take out as much as they can and drill pockets in bone to release pressure.

        Mine is a big piece like 44 mm by 30 something mm..
        Lets see what happens.

        Is it bothering you?? Is it pressuring something?


      2. yea. an eyelid surgeon is going to do it as its more related to eye then brain. a report doubted it maybe related to brain so I went for 2nd opinion.
        its behind eye so I want it to be removed its pushing everything around it.

        is yours pushing anything because thats the major concern with benign tumors.


  3. Glad ur normal. I am quite new to the blogging world.. so this is ur first post I read , I guess . U story is really amusing.. it kept me curious till I reach I last part. And I now more curious to read ur whole blog.. 😊 keep Writing, keep inspiring.. loads to learn from u ..

    Liked by 1 person

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