slowing down

I am sinking back into the pit and I don’t like it.

It’s really scary in there.

today was a very difficult day. I literally felt something blinking in my head and eyes. and I was shit scared all the time.

spent half of the day crying my eyes out. I wasn’t able to speak and it worried my friend who keep on calling me to check on me. this is like the best part of my friends.

I was falling into this dark well and they were holding me tight the entire time. Sam, Unicorn, Zazu and a supercool blog friend, this girl is just amazing.

so these people just kept talking to me. and it was hard today. it wasn’t easy. I don’t know what antenna Zazu has he just calls right in time.

well. I am still not completely ok. a lot better though.

so here I am going to slow down things a little.

I can’t take a break. but I need to slow down.

I have been seeing friends hosting prompts I will be joining those by august.

and I might take a break from mental health reblogs for now. honestly reading all those stories really hurt you deep down. maybe I am sensitive but it happens.

and right now I am just not in a right place my self.

so I will be ranting and venting here for some time right now.

for prompts and reblog I really need to be organized.

Even reblogging is a process. I read then decide which one to post then ask permission then read a little about page and skim the blog for little intro ..then I reblog the post. so it’s a proper process. and I dont want to rush.

but the mental health awareness category is there on my page. all the reblogs were from the people who shared there link in mental health warriors post. please feel free to visit and reach out.

and I am still here for anyone who needs to talk they can drop a message through contact form.

so yea..

that’s all for now.


Kindly visit my post Warriors Invited To Raise Mental Health Awareness where I am inviting Mental Health Warriors to submit their blog’s address so that we can join hands to control this wildfire.

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved







16 thoughts on “slowing down

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  1. Aww, Sweetie, I’m so sorry that you are going through some rough spell. You have done so much on the mental health side of things, I don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed. You do need to give yourself a much- deserved break and read something more uplifting, or just do something that gets your mind off of things that are troubling you. I wish I could give you a great big hug, and be there when you are feeling like this. xo!


  2. Your actually in a good place because you can see where you are and recognize what’s going on. Good on you for reaching out, keep your hand up and where all here. There are no strangers in this world just people we haven’t met yet….
    slow it down get your feet in the earth or sand and breathe. And blog…
    any virtual deep hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for kind words and support. It means alot really.
      Yes i actually can see. The reason of my panick attack that i have clarity now.
      Yea i just feel like a baby here at times. A whiny one. Lol.
      Yep thats what im gonna do.
      Hugs for you as well xx 🙂


  3. I know the overwhelming feelings all to well. I have been goin through a lot last couple years myself. I am always picking everybody else up. Dusting them off and telling them it will be alright. When Im down, have fallen, the help never is there. But I keep goin back to help everyone else. Its hard, no one sees it..

    Liked by 1 person

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