Clean-up time!


That’s me jumping jobs!

7 to 8 years back when I was in an awesome company and I was getting offers from other awesome companies..yea I have seen some good days too didn’t last too long tho..

At that time my grandpa told me to stay in 1 organization for at least 2 years or it will prove me to be an inconsistent person.

Well grandpa hope you are having a great time there, world is a shitty place anyway. But that’s not how world is rotating these days. Now I wonder if it’s even rotating. I can’t believe anything anymore.’s time to look for job seriously this is becoming a joke now.

But this time we are armed with experiences (of working in failing companies) this one’s management had a messy fallout. Its was like a messy divorce where in the end kids are send to grandparents and told to wait for the call.


I just updated my resumé, because an American friend didn’t know what CV was. I think resumé is more common universally.

I’m skeptical about updating my linkedIn, because look at this company!!

Since potential employers do check my blog too, so it’s clean up time guys.

Gotta hide bodies and clean everything with bleach and check with luminol .. I need to control my murder documentaries addiction.. with blog name starting from stoner and too many references of murder and disappearance cases, a total dressed bitch face and all the classic symptoms of a psychopath, I give very strong serial killer vibes..

Well back to job hunt.

So I don’t want this place to look like blog of a demented soul, it should be looking like blog of a creative sane individual.

And have to control my rants too. Wish me luck guys.. ok not the next positive post lol.

18 thoughts on “Clean-up time!

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  1. I can respect your reasoning. It is my sincere hope, however, that even if using less ‘murdery’ terms, you retain your unique personality and writing style here.And ya know, you always have the option of private posts and you can give out the password only to those you want to see them, if that looks better towards your job search.
    We just love you the way you are and no, we can’t pay your bills, so you gotta do what you gotta do..just stay lovably quirky. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are so sweet. Well yea I can’t really change much but some of emotionally shattered posts need to go. Nobody wants an emotionally volatile employee.

      I wont delete them just will hide them and yes thanks for reminding me the password i do have one i dont rememebr where lol. Then I will have to make a list of regular readers…its doable, let me figure it out in a few days.
      Thanks ❤❤🙂


      1. There’s a simple solution. Just make your blog private — require a password — while you’re jobhunting. Announce the password in a blog post before you do so; that way all your loyal followers can get in 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. But employers to check blog and its been helping with jobs. So I will just clean it up and buff it up a little and it will me all good 🙂 making some posts private and have already share password for it in a post. Will start applying after a day at least so that regular ones get it at least. Or might leave a note “for private post, ask for pw through contact form” in the footer.


  2. If you don’t mention it they won’t know? Best wishes in your job hunt…. Set up a cheerful Facebook page with only a few posts, that can be your online presence, mention it on LinkedIn and prospective employers can find your friendly face there. Don’t link it to WordPress?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually my blog helped me getting job. Its shows skill and versatility. But yes cant be too vulnerable. Thanks for the wishes xx
      I hate facebook. Facebool triggers me so bad. And wordpress is still more respectable forum. Just gonna clean it up a little 🙂


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