Cherry Crumble

Written last night:

I will never forget my first encounter with crumbles.

It was a Christmas time and I was having dinner at a small humble retaurant. The set up was simple and not huge variety but food was so fking good I remember going taz over few dishes.



Moving on.

There cherry crumble caught my eye, laying on on a flat big hot tray, the aroma was could get you seriously high, I swear.

So today i finally made cherry crumble and oh my..

I can hear you all say “oh my grandma makes that..”

Because that’s what I hear the moment I declair my love.

But who cares. My inner granma loves crumbles. To make them, to eat them.

Inner granma is obsessed!!

I added a pinch of cinemon powder to further live the memory, that took the desert to whole new level in food heaven.

It was a good day.

Inner grandma is happy.. (1)

Copyright © 2020 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

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10 thoughts on “Cherry Crumble

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  1. Crumble – cherry crumble….five syllables but not feeling your haiku beginning… 😉
    While my favorite isn’t listed currently, I’m sure it’ll be there again… Peach fritter! Seriously, ditch Dubai a bit for fattness’ sakes! And Georgia State USA! (Don’t worry, I live elsewhere but now) Atlanta is the entry city, and while duh, it’s southern enough to have have this menu item, I’m just gonna small town you some…. Groome transportation if you don’t drive to Columbus Georgia. Now Get you a bacon lettuce fried green t(tomato) sandwich. Now! You can return to hot’Lanta and try your big town luck and or your coca cola tourist traps. ;). Old times president Franklin Delano Roosevelt has a historic “little white house” where you can wonder at the days gone by as it’s sufficiently different in architecture and layout to our times.!. If you want to walk off that fritter or naughty carb! Bl f-g/t. Sandwich? Though I haven’t done it and nothing I’ve heard says it my cup of people… Appalachian trail… And I enjoyed my own walking tour of Savannah GEORGIA ghost trees… I mean we don’t have to mention bad food choices without exercise! ;). Terrapin beer in case you’re inclined to imbibe – watermelon Gose is very good. But that is something to look up on one’s own as all alcohol missions are 😉


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